Tuesday, 5 July 2011

I'm Mr(s) Brightside!

'Always Look on the Bright Side of Life...'  wrote Eric Idle in 1979, and do you know what, he was right; however, looking on the bright side of life can be really difficult sometimes, particularly when we're feeling tired and run down. On days like these it can be all too easy for the dark side to creep in. I realised today that this has been happening to me too much lately and so I have decided to bring a little bit of positive thinking back into my life. This, I have achieved through making simple 'swaps'; changing the 'dark side' thinking to the 'bright side'.

I am also taking practical steps to make simple 'swaps' in other areas. So far this week, I have swapped the following:

And on another positive note, I have been sent (as I know have others) some healthy Orbana Energy drink... If I had been feeling more positive (and less ill) earlier today, I would have run the Rochdale 10k race (well done to all those at club who did run it!) and tried it out; as it is, I shall ignore the fact I didn't and instead think more positively: Next week I will run the Royton Trail Race... because it will be fun!... and it'll give me the perfect opportunity to give the Orbana drink a whirl.

For now, I plan on relaxing in the lounge for an hour in front of the tv for a bit of 'Man Vs Food' where I shall feel very virtuous as I swap a late night chocolate bar for a cup of tea, whilst watching someone else gorge themselves on disgustingly bad food... Mmmmmm... deep fried mars bars with mac and cheese wrapped in a taco!...


  1. Is exciting new job. Wish you good luck, I do. Hmm? Hmm. And well you should do. Your ally is the Bright Side, and a powerful ally it is.

  2. Lol K, love it I do... Hmmm? :-)

  3. Ooooh! I may have to print off your darkside, bright side chart and pin it to my notice board at work. I could definitely use a bit of bright at the moment.

  4. Good luck with new job! I'll borrow a bit of that positivity too if you don't mind!

  5. Thank you! And help yourself to a big heap of it! :-)

  6. Abradypus - What a good idea! I should print it out and keep it with me in case I happen to have any slip ups! :-)

  7. Man vs food, man vs food, man vs food!! LOVE that show, it's dieters porn...


Thanks for reading... feel free to leave me a message. Maggiee x